Purchasing and Distribution

Mint Audio is distributed as shareware. If you like the program, and use it for more than 30 days, you should purchase it by sending US$13 or US$9.79 (if you already purchased Unsanity™ Echo) to Unsanity LLC (single user license; site and world-wide licenses are available as well).

You can upload Mint Audio to online services and share with your friends as long as the original package kept intact. To put Mint Audio on a software collection CD-ROM, a free copy of CD-ROM for Unsanity is required; commercial distribution and bundling are available too. Please contact Unsanityª for more information.


There are four different ways to register Mint Audio . For methods other than online ordering, a $3 surcharge may apply.

Using our Online Store
This method is most convinient and fast -- you will receive all information necessary to register Mint Audio within 10-20 minutes by e-mail after you have completed your order. To order using Online Store click here or go to http://www.unsanity.com/goto/buy-mint.

Calling toll-free number for US and a EU country number for Europe
Your registration information will be sent to you within 3-4 hours after you have completed your order. To order by telephone, pick one of the phones closest to you and call:
USA: 1-800-747-0420
Europe: +301-982-8267
Available from 9:00 am to 16:00 pm Eastern Time.

Sending a fax
Your registration information will be sent to you within 3 business days. To order by sending a fax, print and complete the registration form found at the Online Ordering page, and fax it to the most convinient number below:
USA: 1-802-868-4113
Europe: +301-982-8267
Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Sending a cheque, money order or cashier’s check
This registration method may take up to a week or more, depending on how fast the mail system is. To order by sending a cheque, pick one of the addresses closest to you and send the cheque, money order or cashier’s check among with product name (Mint Audio ):

For the USA:
Visage Services Inc.
555 VTRTE 78, Suite 147
Swanton, Vermont 5488-717

For Europe:
Visage Services Inc.
4 Nafpliou str., P. Falero
Athens 175 63, GREECE

Once again, thank you for trying an Unsanity™ product. We have worked hard to make it happen, and we hope you will enjoy it as much as we do.

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